Chicken Chorizo Paella


3 1/2 cups of Arborio rice

1 lb boneless chicken thighs

1/2 lb  chorizo 

1 medium size white onion, diced

1/2 red pepper, diced

3 large tomatoes, diced

1 tbs of diced garlic

3 packets of Paella seasonings

1 tbs oyster or scallop sauce

splash of fish sauce

1 tbs smoked paprika 

1 cup chicken stock for cooking rice. 

Salt and pepper



1. Marinate chicken thighs for 3 hours or overnight in the refrigerator. Diced the chicken tighs and marinate with 1 packet of paella seasoning, a bit of the oyster/scallop sauce, salt, pepper and a bit of smoked paprika. 

2. Wash arborio rice and drain. 

3. In a hot paella pan, drizzle some olive oil. when it smokes, drop the chicken thighs and let them cook. Do not stir, rather let the meat crust up. When its all cooked, scoop them up and set aside. 

4. Do not wash paella pan. Drizzle some olive oil and saute the chorizo, add onions, red pepper and tomatoes. Cook until they are soft and flavors marry. Add the washed rice. Saute rice with paella seasoning, smoked paprika, salt to taste. cook until the rice is crisps and dry. 

5. Scoop rice mixture and add to the rice cooker. Add chicken stock as if you're cooking jasmine rice (Use finger measurement for water level. liquid comes to the finger joints). Do not add too much liquid. 

6. When rice cooker is done, heat paella pan and drizzle olive oil. Add the cook rice onto paella pan with the chicken and let them cook on paella pan to form a crust (Succarat). 

7. When crust is formed, its ready. Garnish with lemon wedges and sprinkle parsley. 


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