Pie Tee


180 gm all-purpose flour, sifted

2 tbsp rice flour, sifted

½ tsp salt

2 eggs

1 ½ cup water


  1. Combine all the ingredients above and whisk them to a smooth batter. 
  2. Sieve the batter to remove any lumps. 
  3. Pour it into a measuring cup so that you can dip the pie tee mold. 
  4. Heat a pot of oil for frying. Insure the height of the oil is deep enough to cover the shell mold as you dip into it when frying. 
  5. Test the readiness of the oil by inserting a wooden chopstick. If it bubbles around the edges the oil is ready. 
  6. Dip the mold without the batter into the oil to heat it up. 
  7. Then gently remove from the oil into the batter and into the oil to fry the shell. As it cooks, shake the shell away from the mold. Fry it to light brown and remove to paper towel to cool. 
  8. Repeat steps 6 & 7 until all batter are done. Yield approximately 80 shells. 
  9. Pie Tee shells are ready for filling any of your savory fillings like crab meat salad, tuna salad or traditional stir fry jicama with shrimps. Enjoy!! 


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