Mango Pudding

Equipment: you have to use the Tupperware jelly mold. You can buy one from eBay. 

1 pkt of Mango flavoured jello crystals (There are two types of Mango jello. Picture shows if you used one brand over the other, you need to use either 1 pkt or two pkts of gelatin as shown in the pictures). 
1 can of Mango pulp
1 small carton of heavy cream (about 1 cup)
1 pkt or two pkts of gelatin. 

On the stove, turn stove on medium heat
Pour the can of Mango pulp on a medium saucepan and cook over stove
Add the entire pkt of jello crystals. Add a tbs of water with the gelatin crystals and add to the mixture. 
Whisk until mixture of crystal melted but not boiling
Add the entire pkt of heavy cream
Whisk until the mixture is creamy. 
Turn stove off, remove saucepan from stove.  
Pour mango mixture into a Jelly mold. 
Refrigerate overnight
Serve with evaporate milk or as is. 
Enjoy ! 


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