My Brother's Tamarind Prawns

My brother, Hudson recommended this recipe. He is best described to be the Asian version of Anthony Boudain. He loves to enjoy the best authentic food and recreating them to perfection. These prawns are sweet, sour, succulent. (I know it doesnt look like it)

400grams medium size sea prawns
1 packet or 200grams tamarind paste
1 teaspoon fish sauce or nyampa
1 thsp sugar
2 cups of cooking oil
Marinate Wash and peel the scale of prawns on the centre , leaving the head and tails intact. slice thinly the top part to remove the intestines.prepare a bowl of cold water and mix the tamarind paste until it become slurppy. Add in the prawns and let marinate for a day in the chiller.
Pour 2 cups of cooking oil and heat up wok. Add 1 tsp of fish sauce and sugar into marinated prawns. slowly pick the prawns and let it deep fry until cook. It should turn brown to cook.Discard excess tamarind paste marinate.Served with cucumber slices and prawn chilli paste with a dash of lime.
September 4, 2007 12:23 AM


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