Bak Kut Teh - Pork Ribs in Herbal Soup

This Bak Kut Teh has a special secret method that my sister Elsie showed me. We cooked it while she was visiting me and its the best Bak Kut Teh I have ever made.
Pork Ribs approx 1 side (has a dozen ribs)
Water approx 10 bowls ( or 1.8 litres)
PrimaTaste Bak Kut Teh - 1 pkt
1 whole garlic - use as whole
Soya Sauce
Red Chilis
Cilantro leaves
To prepare the pork ribs, blanched the pork ribs in a pot of water on the stove for about 2 mins. Remove the from pot and rinse under tap water any scum and leave aside.
This is the secret my sister shared with me. Heat a wok with steamer (or pot with steamer). Steamed the pork ribs for 15 mins. Leave aside. This process is important because it retains the sweetness of the pork (instead of bland like many others in restaurants).
In another stove, heat a pot with the 8 cups of water. When water is boiled, add the Bak Kut Teh stock mix and simmer on lw heat for 2 mins. Remove the garlic (as per packet instructions). Then add Pork Ribs and the whole fresh garlic and continue to simmer for another 13 mins.
(You may add Asian fried taufu or shitake mushroom with the pork ribs in the pot).
Garnish with cilantro and serve hot with hot white rice and condiments.


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