Winter Melon Herbal Soup

This soup is usually made in the summer months. Its medicinal value are that it lowers body heat, removes "dampness" and "heat" from our bodies.
600 g Wintermelon
4 pcs of dried shitake mushroom
1 pcs of dried abalone
2 pcs of dried scallops
red dates
sweet and bitter almonds
6 pieces of shrimp
1 pound of chicken breast or lean pork
12 bowls of water

Bring water to a boil in a pot. Add chicken breast or lean pork. (When using pork, need to blanched pork to remove impurities before using in soups). Add shitake mushroom and the rest of the ingredients and cook over low heat for 1 hour. Add shrimps and cook until shrimp is cooked. Add salt to taste.

Serve hot !!


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