My Dad's Nasi Lemak

This is a popular dish in Malaysian/Singapore.

For the recipe of the Chicken Curry, go to My Dad's Chicken Curry link to make the Chicken Curry for the Nasi Lemak.
For the Sambal, go the the Sambal recipe on this blog. (optional)
3 cups of rice
1 can of coconut milk (thick)
A dash of salt
1/2 cup of oil

1 cup of dried anchovies - fried and drain excess oil
1 cup of peanuts - fried and drain excess oil
1 english cucumber
eggs - hard boiled
a few pieces of banana leaves
Rice, washed and drained. Cook in rice cooker, add salt and 1 can of coconut milk.
Make the Chicken Curry from the recipe on this blog - My Dad's Chicken Curry.
Fry up the peanuts and anchovies until golden brown and drain excess oil on paper towel.
Cut up some cucumbers.
On a plate, lay the banana leaves and plate it as above in the picture. The banana gives the dish a
really nice fragrant.


  1. From: Reid Neighbors

    Annie made this for us months ago and we still remember just takes us awhile to write it all down. We loved it! It touched tastebuds that had been asleep for a long time! David, my husband, raved about the tender fragrant chicken and crunchy nuts - saying there were explosions of flavor in his mouth. He was afraid of the anchovies but I enjoyed them - they provided a salty, crunchy punch. The presentation on a banana leaf made me feel like I was globe-trotting again and in some exotic land! I felt like this dish was an adventure in itself and made me get the itch to travel again and taste new lands!

  2. Thanks Gretchen and David for your nice comments. We are going to miss you soon when you move !!


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