Tiramisu - Italian Dessert

1. 6 egg yolks - extra large
2. 16 oz of Mascarpone cheese
3. 1/4 cup sugar
4. 30 Italian ladyfingers (savoiardi)
5. 1/2 cup dark Jamaican rum
6. brewed espresso coffee
7. saved dark chocolate or cocoa powder for decoration
Method: In an electric mixer, whisk the egg yolks and sugar until yellow and mixture is thick. Add the rum, 1/4 cup of espresso and mascarpone cheese. Whisk until smooth.
On another bowl, add 1/4 cup of rum to the one and 1/4 cup of espreso. Dip one side of each ladyfinger in the espresso and rum mixture and line the bottom of a dish (9 x 12). Pour half the espresso cream mizture evenly on the ladyfingers. Continue this process. Cover with saranwrap and refrigerate overnight.
Decorate with shaved dark chocolate or cocoa powder before serving.


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